Wolverine Boots

How do you tell the story of America’s modern day tradesmen and crafts people? The hard working laborers that are the backbone of our country?

Join them on their turf. Get up when they do. Capture the sweat with camera’s in hand. For Labor Day 2023 director Tim Kemple and team celebrate those that rise early, work hard, and do it without fail.

This piece compiles a longstanding content series we have been doing with Wolverine Boots. The series celebrates skilled tradespeople, everyday workers that make our world go round. These stories have so inspired us—from female welders and metal workers to legacy-driven distillers and restorers, carpenters, cordwainers, electricians, and more—their dedication, passion, and old-fashioned hard work deserve to be celebrated.


Tim Kemple
Tim Kemple
Mike Hopkins
Tim Kemple
Richard Seehausen